Bella Poesia Publications is a full fledged publishing company that was started in Birmingham, Alabama in 2014. Today, Bella Poesia Publications has created published jewels from novels to photography portfolios with national distribution. Leaving a glimpse of the company brand in cities across the country, growth is definitely still in the works. As a young company, Bella Poesia Publications has stood the test of time. This year, more novels and electronic books will be released. It is truly a process to get quality work prepared to release, so these projects have been nurtured with care.
As a move for expansion into more mediums beyond writing, Bella Poeia Publications gave way to Bella Brand Studios. This creation is molded a full brand that now goes beyond writing and publishing. Graphics, photography and videography have now completed a well rounded list of services and portfolio boasting amazing work, still maintaining innovation as a staple! Continue to follow and grow with the brand as a whole, a magazine featuring powerful women is slated to be released mid 2017. With several projects in the works, success is the motivating factor and customer service is he platform we take pride in mastering.
Buckle your seat belt and follow along as we continue to set trends. Mentorship programs, workshops and blogs are just the beginning and the interaction that it allows between the companies and the customers is a badge of honor that we proudly display!